Israel: Visa Extension for Foreign Caregivers | iSavta
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Israel: Visa Extension for Foreign Caregivers

Updated 16.8.2018:
The highlights of this update include reliever jobs which are allowed in the 5th year, and another condition for the Special Visa.

Good news to those who are seeking for a Special Visa or Special Humanitarian Visa. Moke Nakash of the Population and Migration Authority announced yesterday that all requests submitted to the Humanitarian Committee to date are pending and will be approved under the conditions that will be published.

For those with severe disabilities (188%), IDF Veterans will be given preference to extend the employment permit of a foreign caregiver, the extension of which is for 8 years for the elderly and 13 years for a severely disabled person instead of just 5 years and 3 months to date.

Preference will be given to severely disabled people who find it difficult to find Caregivers. Organizations dealing with the elderly protested against their discrimination on these people because of their condition and age.

Attorney Yifat Solel, of Yes to the Elderly, said at the hearing that "the only distinction in the law is the age of the patient, 67. This law discriminates against the elderly. There is a tremendous distress of caregivers for the elderly. We see again and again people are left with therapists who cause them damage. According to the amendment, even those who receive the special services allowance for the disabled, from the age of 67, come out of the category because of age. "

The purpose of the law is to give priority to a hard and helpless population in the caregivers' market, and I congratulate Interior Minister Aryeh Deri for sensitivity," Kisch said.

UPDATE: in effect since June 24, 2018

Caregiver between 4 years and 3 months to 5 years and 3 months in Israel:

Cannot apply for SV, must work as relievers.

If you are between 4 years and 3 months to 5 years and 3 months in Israel and want to apply for SV and want to work with elderly, you must stand in the restrictions. One of the restriction is that it has not passed more than 90 days since you finished your last job (more restrictions are in the description downward).
In other words, you must work and registered in this period as relivers.


Caregiver between 5 years and 3 months to 8 years in Israel:

The conditions for applying for SV:

1. Stayed in Israel legally – did not stay in Israel more than 90 days since the date of last day of employment.
2. Caregivers that worked with same employer at least for two years (If working with two employers and first employer went to nursing home or died, it will be considered as one period).
3. Caregivers that finished their LAST job because their LAST patient died or moved to nursing home.
4. Caregivers that did not get SV before.


Caregiver between 5 years and 3 months to 13 years in Israel:

The conditions for applying for SV (It is possible to apply even if you got SV in the past):

1. The patient is under 67 years old.
2. Definition of the patient's disability: 188% disability (adult or child).
3. Army handicapped, at least 100% disability.
Caregivers that were denied in the SV committee in the past but stand in these criterions can apply again, maximum 90 days since the day this law will be approved, will be approved in the SV committee.

Additional Info:

Death of the employer or moving to a nursing home cancels the geographic restriction. The caregiver can move to any area.

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